I loved these. Especially these lines: "“Bioweapon of some kind?” “As far as we can tell, no. It’s just... everybody’s tired.” “Do we have a plan?” “Uh... increase defense spending?”" Sounds relatable! And the one with the fish, I had to chuckle, but also cry. Eeep! I also like the sci-fi introduction in the beginning. Very creative...I mean, very authentic.

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Thanks so much Nadia, I really appreciate your comment.

As I mentioned to someone else, a more lethal expanded military is the go-to answer for all existential problems right now, so why not generalized malaise?

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Exactly! It perfectly encapsulates the state of the world, and the malaise.

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These are in your wheelhouse,, my friend! They bring out your versatility.

I just read A Canticle for Liebowitz and the cover sure as 'ell wasn't as badass as THAT one.

Thank you for the book recommendations. Too kind.

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Hey, if I recommend you and your book has my blurb on it, that's just good business, right.

One hand washes the other, paisano

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Jesus I loved all of these. “Uh... increase defense spending?” 🤣😭

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It's well known that to counteract citizen dissatisfaction you must increase lethality.

You know, politics.

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As always, A.P., these are just awesome. Thoroughly enjoyed them!

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Appreciate your kind comment, WP3!

This is the last of these microdosing ventures, with a new experiment in microfictions coming along eventually.

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Looking forward to it!

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