Ramon Llull with a medieval bestiary image in the inbox was an unexpected treat, really singing my song!

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Happy you enjoyed it Devon. If you like the fable I would also recommend Cobol for a modern-times take on this genre.

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Wait, is the Cobol recommendation a programming joke of some kind? I'm absolutely stumbling over searching for this person.

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I just sent you a DM with Cobol's page, called Synopsis

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Got it, thank you! Hadn't realized they were on Substack, so a general search was really leading me into the fog.

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If you're searching on Google computer terminology seems to dominate, recently I've been looking for materials on Kafka but searches are swamped by some software called Apache Kafka. Sweet of the IT nerds to pay tribute to FK but it really does mess up Google in relation to him.

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True. All I need is a literary nemesis and the time/skills to develop a piece of software in their name. Then I’ll really have done something!

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Aug 23Liked by A.P. Murphy

Someone mentioned you translated this yourself from Catalan. Verdad?

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Yes I speak Catalan in my daily life and all my family are Catalan, though I'm from London.

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Aug 23Liked by A.P. Murphy

Cool. I spent a summer in Tortosa south of Barcelona as part of a Rotary exchange in high school. I've always found Catalonia and the Basque Country — and, well, Spain in general fascinating. I guess that's why I keep going back. I noticed you mentioned Mondragon in your dialogue with the author (whose name escapes me), which doesn't get noticed or talked about much.

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Yes in my dialogue with Caleb Caudell (whom I would urge you to read BTW - even if the contemporary slice-of-life essay/fiction isn't your thing, it isn't really mine on fact, but the prose is so dazzling) I mentioned Mondragon. In turn was reminded of that by recent work by Elle Griffin, who's been working closely on it as an exemplary co-op for others to model. But I've never been to the Basque Country as I don't travel often.

I've been in Barcelona for 30+ years, I have a story published here based on my experience in the Olympics in 92 as well as among lowlifes in Barrio Chino.

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Great thanks for the recommendations.

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