I loved this story when you let me read it a couple months ago. I love it more when I've gotten used to your style and voice. Bravo, Murph. The Oeuf is now a fully-grown Poulet.

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Thanks Bradley you know your encouragement was key in making me start publishing here, so it means a lot. Cheers!🍻

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Cheers! 🍻

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Jun 19Liked by A.P. Murphy

Hello Mr. Murphy, my name is Archie Swoonjet and if you’ll forgive this Jagged solicitation, We have just launched our new IGU (island generation unit) and thought you may be interested in a demo. Please reach out at your convenience and I’d be happy to show you around. swoonjet@gmail.com

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Well how intriguing! What can this unsolicited inducement portend?

I'm sure it won't mean that I'm invited on an all-expenses paid helicopter adventure to an island just being generated at an unspecified location where I'll be disappeared forever without a tracey-trace ever to be discerned, oh no.

Thanks Mr Swoonjet but this guy refuses to be duped again.

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