Envy--this is a clever-ass piece.

Wrath--see above.

Gluttony--is there more of this to devour?

Pride--I know you while others do not.

Sloth--I almost didn't read it.

Greed--see one above and three above.

Lust--you busy?

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If you wanna see me and explore lust later you know where my DMs are.

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On it once I slough off sloth.

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I love these lines especially "So the first one absorbed the other all up. Then spat out all the niceness." You should participate in NYC Midnight contests. They do microfiction contests continuously.

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Thanks Nadia, but I feel I'd like to get more practised at this format before I get into contests and such.

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They will always be there ;-).

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Grumpy Old Skydaddy Chronicles - 😂.

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